March 1 was Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. See how some of our Catholic schools and centers spent Ash Wednesday. If you have photos from Ash Wednesday at your school that you would like to be included in the photo album, please email them to socialmedia@dosp.org. We also encourage you to send in …
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Catholic Schools Week 2017 was January 29 through February 4. See how our Catholic Schools and Centers celebrated in the photos below. If you have photos from your school that you would like to be added to the album, please email them to socialmedia@dosp.org. Photos will be added as they are received. Please note that in order …

September 19 was “Thank a Police Officer Day.” Blessed Sacrament Catholic School celebrated by honoring 17 active and retired police officers. Their Student Council led the school in a prayer service where they asked for God’s continue blessing to watch over all of our police officers and keep them safe. The students made cards and letters, survival bags and special treats.

The students at Blessed Sacrament had an International Mass. The Spanish teacher, Mrs. Bauer, prepared the Liturgy. The students dressed up from their different heritages and brought up flags from those countries at the Offertory. They also spoke in different languages and sang in Spanish.