A Clearance Request Form should be submitted with all pertinent information, which will allow us to confirm the speakers’ good standing within their diocese, parish or religious institute.  All forms are included at the bottom of the page.

In the case of local priests and deacons, it is not necessary to complete a Clearance Request Form if they are in good standing. This can be verified by checking our diocesan website under this link:  https://www.dosp.org/find-clergy/.  If you have any questions about the suitability of a priest or deacon residing in our diocesan boundaries who is not listed on our diocesan website, please contact the Chancellor’s Office at (727) 341-6832 or by email.

Presenters via online platforms (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
Since early 2020, we have been presented with other options for ministry to the people of God within the Diocese of St. Petersburg. One of those options is the use of the Zoom or Microsoft Teams applications to conduct meetings and webinars.  Concerning clergy, religious or lay presenters via these or other videoconferencing applications, if they are presenting via video conference to members of our parishes or other diocesan entities, they should be cleared just as if they were presenting in person. 

If the invited presenter will not be speaking on topics of faith and morals but rather on non-religious subjects or general topics and/or including topics related to other areas of a school’s curriculum, then the approval should come from the pastor, the entity’s administrator or, in the case of a school, from the school’s pastor, president, principal or from the Superintendent of Catholic Schools.  

Request forms for clearance:

Priests and Deacons:  Clearance guidelines and form–Clergy -Sept 2018 ~ fillable

Religious Sisters and Brothers:  Clearance guidelines and form–Religious -Sept 2021  ~ fillable

Lay Speakers, including Lay Retreat and Parish Mission Presenters:  Clearance guidelines and form–Lay Presenters – Feb 2023 ~ fillable

Please read the instructions carefully and submit appropriately.  Thank you for your assistance!

(Revised November 2023)