If you are looking to minister in the Diocese with faculties as a Deacon, you must contact the Office of the Diaconate:

All Deacons wishing to exercise seasonal Diaconal ministry or limited liturgical ministry in the Diocese of St. Petersburg must contact the office of the Diaconate to begin the process to obtain
necessary faculties within the Diocese. Contact the Administrative assistant of the Office of the Diaconate (727)341-6826 or email at diaconate@dosp.org who will coordinate the process.

If you have been working with a local parish or pastor, they too may contact our office to begin the process to obtain faculties. Please know that all extern deacons wishing to minister are, at a minimum, required to obtain Level II background fingerprinting and SEP (Safe Environment Program) special training for Clergy within the Diocese of St. Petersburg.

This ministry is supported through gifts to the Catholic Ministry Appeal.
This ministry is supported through gifts to the Catholic Ministry Appeal.