The LPMI is built on a tripod of: Theology ~ Spirituality ~ Ministry Formation

In accordance with the teachings and tenets of the Roman Catholic Church; LPMI equips lay men and women with knowledge and skills to carry out ministry competently, collaboratively, and professionally.

The LPMI is accredited by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on Certification & Accreditation. Students receive a certificate in foundational pastoral ministry leadership after the completion of four years of study.

LPMI promotes contemporary education and ongoing faith formation. Our skilled instructors include a variety of priests, deacons and laity who are active in ministerial roles in our diocese.

The Bishop of the Diocese formally commissions students that complete the LPMI requirements. The Institute has commissioned 435 lay ecclesial ministers in our diocese since its inception in 1998.

LPMI classes include Word of God, Lay Leadership Skills, Spiritual Formation, Conflict Resolution and Diversity Issues, Liturgy, Social Justice, the Sacraments, and Canon Law.

LPMI provides theological reflection sessions, under the guidance of a mentor; to help participants more fully understand and discern the power, presence, activity and will of God through analysis and reflection.

Practicum experience in the final year gives students hands-on experience in ministry in their home parish.

Participants come from all walks of parish life and with 70+ parishes in the diocese, this makes for a rich and diverse experience. Over 1,300 people from all over the Diocese have participated in LPMI classes.

LPMI strives to link lay ministers to a wide variety of diocesan resources which will help them effectively engage in community leadership.

LPMI emphasizes collaboration with pastors, to identify current and future ministerial needs of parishioners, the Diocese, and the community at large.