The Office of Communications has created this page for parishes in the Diocese of St. Petersburg to find free and shareable content that helps to evangelize, inspire, and unite our community. Parishes of the Diocese of St. Petersburg have our approval to share any of the materials listed below on their website, social media, bulletin, and other parish communication channels. If you have questions about any materials found on this page, please email (Please note: Local photos of your parish and parishioners typically obtain the most engagement on a parish social media account and other parish communication channels. However, this content can also support your efforts.)
Click here to view July Content
(Right click on any graphic below, then select “Save Image As” to download it to your computer)
Not Date Specific

Month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. May we always strive to deepen our relationship with our Blessed Mother and follow her lead. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us! 🙏🏼
#CourageouslyLiving #HailMary

Vote No on Amendment 4
Titled “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion,” Amendment 4 would enshrine unregulated abortion in our state constitution. The amendment language is misleading, and its proposed outcomes are dangerous. Vote NO on Amendment 4. Visit for more information
#CourageouslyLiving #ProLife
Date Specific

August 1 – St. Alphonsus Liguori
Let today be a reminder of the power of prayer. Saint Alphonsus Liguori, pray for us! 🙏🏼
#CourageouslyLiving #CourageousSaints
August 2 – St. Peter Julian Eymard
The Eucharist is the path to finding true joy! St. Peter Julian Eymard, pray for us 🙏🏼
#CourageouslyLiving #CourageousSaints
August 4 – St. John Vianney
Remember, we are in the blessed company of angels and men united in God. (Catechism of the Catholic Church #336) St. John Vianney, pray for us. 🙏🏼
#CourageouslyLiving #CourageousSaints

August 6 – Transfiguration of the Lord
Listen to Jesus and he will never lead you astray in following God’s will!
August 9 – St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
Words of wisdom from one of our Church’s heroes! St. Teresa, pray for us 🙏🏼
#courageouslyliving #courageoussaints

August 11 – St. Clare of Assisi
What or who do you love? May your love for Jesus Christ mold your heart, your mind and your soul. St. Clare, pray for us. 🙏🏼
#courageouslyliving #courageoussaints

August 12- First Day of School
It is back-to-school week! Please keep all students, parents, families, teachers, faculty and staff in your prayers as the new school year begins.
#CourageouslyLiving #BacktoSchool

August 13 – Ecumenical Prayer Service for Amendment 4
Please join us on August 13 to gather and pray for the defeat of Amendment 4. Amendment 4 is a dangerous amendment that would enshrine unregulated abortion in Florida’s constitution. Let us come together and pray for its defeat! 🙏🏼

August 14 – St. Maximilian Kolbe
May we be reverent before God almighty, present in every tabernacle. St. Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us. 🙏🏼
#CourageouslyLiving #CourageousSaints

August 15 – Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
We are so very thankful for our heavenly Mother’s care and intercession! Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us! 🙏🏼
#CourageouslyLiving #CourageousSaints

August 22 – Memorial of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Today is the Memorial of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Let us remember that we can always turn to our Blessed Mother for her love and intercession. 🙏🏼 Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us! ✝️
#courageouslyliving #courageoussaints
Other Content
Catholic Ministry Appeal
Click here to find materials that have been designed to assist parishes in promoting, educating and spreading the word about the 2024 Catholic Ministry Appeal. Throughout the year, more resources will be added, updated and shared with parishes.
National Eucharistic Revival
Click here to find photos, graphics and logos to promote the National Eucharistic Revival, an initiative of the bishops of the United States to renew our devotion and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
Pastoral Bulletin
Click here to find announcements, graphics and information from our diocesan ministries and our parishes, schools and diocesan entities.
Vote No On Amendment 4
Click here to find communication resources to educate parishioners about this dangerous and misleading amendment.