“Be Courageous Each Day” Scripture Reflection Promotional Kit
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Promotional Text
Text Option 1
Be Courageous with Help from a Friend
Living as God calls us to live isn’t easy. But we weren’t made for comfort and complacency. We were made for greatness! There are many ways to support each other on this path. One way is to receive a daily Be Courageous Scripture Reflection via email or text. These short, personal messages are a service of the Diocese of St. Petersburg and Bishop Gregory Parkes. They are written by people you might know, such as local priests, sisters, deacons, and parishioners. We are on this journey to courageously live the Gospel together. Let’s support each other! We got this! Visit www.BeCourageousEachDay.org to learn more or text REFLECTION to 84576 to sign up.
Text Option 2
Be Courageous with Help from a Friend
Living as a Disciple of Jesus Christ takes courage! The Diocese of St. Petersburg sends out a daily Scripture reflection to help you be courageous. We offer a question to think about in relation to your own life and a prayer intention for the day. The reflections are written with love by a variety of people in our area, including priests, sisters, deacons, and people just like you. Sign up at www.BeCourageousEachDay.org or text REFLECTION to 84576.