“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'” – John 8:12

When he began discerning the priesthood, Fr. Christian Galvan was given the opportunity to get to know several priests his own age and saw them living their vocations in total joy. Ultimately, Jesus allowed him to see himself more fulfilled after 40 years as a priest than 40 years in an engineering career. Holding that image in his heart, Fr. Christian made the decision to answer the call and follow Jesus into the light.

On May 20, 2023, the Diocese of St. Petersburg celebrated the Ordination of our newest diocesan priest, Father Christian Galvan. Since his Ordination, he has been faithfully serving the parishioners of Our Lady of the Rosary in Land O’Lakes. From first Baptism to first marriage to first Christmas Mass, Father Christian is experiencing all the “firsts” of a new priest.

Through “Walking in His Light” all are invited to take part in his journey in one or more of the following ways:

As Fr. Christian continues the first year of his priestly ministry, you can commit to offer prayers for him!

Yes! I will Pray for Fr. Christian


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