2016 Jubilee Celebration

On Sunday, October 30, 2016, the Diocese of St. Petersburg will celebrate the Jubilees of nineteen religious. Representing a total of 840 years of consecrated service to the Church and the people of God, the religious will renew their vows during the 11:30 AM liturgy at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, with Bishop Lynch presiding. In addition to the Jubilarians, we will recognize three religious who have taken their final vows within the last year. You are invited to witness this public celebration of the vowed life, and to join the reception at the parish hall, which will follow the liturgy.
2016 Jubilarians
75 Years
Sister Josephine Slabinski, SFCC
65 Years
Rev. Thomas Lind, SCJ
60 Years
Sister Janet Finley, OSF
Sister Marita Flynn, OSF
Sister Mary Haskins, SNJM
Sister Shirley Sweney, OSF
Brother James A. Van Koolbergen, CFC
Sister Marlene Weidenborner, OSF
50 Years
Rev. Francis Burshnick, SCJ
Sister Kathleen Beatty, SSJ
Rev. Donald Delaney, SDB
Sister Mary David Hydro, OSB
Rev. Gregory Speck, SCJ
Brother Alan J. Thomas, OFM
Sister Mary Ellen Tucker, OSF
25 Years
Sister Alice Ottapurackal, FSSE
Sister Sherly Vazhappilly, FSSE
Professing Final Vows in 2015-2016
Sister Margaret Mary Foley, OSF
Sister Elizabeth Mathai, OSB
Sister Lisa Perkowski, IHM