Announcements ~ December 20, 2021

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Marriage and Family Life
Ministry with Families 101 Training
All leaders whose ministry impacts families are invited to register for this online training presented by the National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers, to be held on six Saturdays, from 2-4 p.m. EST, January 8 through February 12, 2022. The cost is only $20.00 per individual/couple and is being offered to members of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, through special invitation of the Archdiocese of Honolulu. This experiential learning process is an introduction to ministry from a family perspective and will benefit any ministry. Participants will gain knowledge and insights about the domestic church and increase their capacity for ministry with and among families. Click to register: Contact Diane Kledzik for more information,
Marriage Encounter
Looking for the Perfect Gift? Sign Up for the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend Experience, January 28-30, 2022, at the Franciscan Center, 3010 N Perry Ave. in Tampa. It’s the gift that lasts a lifetime!
Contact or 813-270-7832. Use promo code: SAVE-50, for 50% off the application fee!
Promotional graphics for the two events at these links:
Ministry with families:
Marriage Encounter:
Scholarships are Available to Attend Catholic Schools
Your child could attend a Catholic school with the help of a K-12 “Step Up For Students” Scholarship. Receive an average of $7,000 a year, per child for tuition and fees. Now more families are eligible. For example, a family of four with an income of nearly $100,000 annually may qualify. Dependent children of a reservist or active-duty member of the US Armed Forces may also qualify, regardless of household income. Learn more or apply today at
Scholarships for Children with Special Needs
Do you have a child with unique abilities? Schools in our Diocese accept the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities through “Step Up For Students.” Learn more at
Financial Assistance for Catholic Education
Are you looking for Catholic school options for your child but need financial assistance? Our schools accept the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities through “Step Up For Students.” Find out if your child qualifies at
Image with Local Students
English graphic here / Spanish graphic here / Creole Graphic here
Social Media Announcements (Share this on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and tag the post with @StepUp4Students)
Catholic School Scholarships are Available!
Have you thought about sending your child to a Catholic school? Now might be the time! You could receive a scholarship to cover most or all of the tuition, thanks to @StepUp4Students. Find out if you qualify at
Planning for Next School Year?
Look into the many scholarships available to attend one of our Catholic schools. If you are a family of four with an income of nearly $100,000 annually, you could qualify for a scholarship of $7,000 a year (on average), per child – thanks to @StepUp4Students. Learn more at
Scholarships for Children with Special Needs
Do you have a child with unique abilities? Schools in our Diocese accept the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities through @StepUp4Students. Learn more at
Financial Assistance for Catholic Education
Are you looking for Catholic school options for your child but need financial assistance? Our schools accept the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities through @StepUp4Students. Find out if your child qualifies at
Full Page Flyer about Scholarships: English
More Information: Catholic Scholarship Marketing Toolkit at
Priestly Ordination, Br. Lucius Amarillas, O.S.B.
The Saint Leo Abbey community invites you to witness the ordination of Brother Lucius Amarillas, OSB, a Benedictine monk of Saint Leo Abbey, to the priesthood during Mass at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, December 22, at the Saint Leo Abbey Church, 33601 State Road 52, Saint Leo.
Bishop Elias Lorenzo, OSB, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Newark, will be presiding and preaching during the ordination.
Those who cannot attend Mass in person are invited to pray for Brother Lucius and watch the live video stream of the Mass via Saint Leo Abbey’s Facebook page (
Promotional graphic at this link: