Announcements ~ February 16, 2021

What Is “Relational Bullying”?
Relational bullying is unwarranted, persistent, unwelcome behavior in the form of criticism, isolation, or fabricated allegations that can damage relationships. Examples include social exclusion (“You can’t be with us”), spreading rumors (“Did you hear . . . ?”), and withholding friendship (“I won’t be your friend if you . . .”). Though relational bullying can often seem ambiguous to outside observers and often garners less attention than physical bullying or verbal bullying, it should not be discounted simply as normal, adolescent behavior. Make sure your child’s school does not tolerate such behavior among its students. For particular help you may call: Michael Craig, Safe Environment Program Manager at (727) 344-1611, ext. 5377.
2021 Tampa Magnificat Women’s Retreat
Catholic Charities Easter Basket of Plenty Drive
February 17 through March 28, 2021
The children at San Jose Mission affordable housing and the San Juan Diego Mission will receive an Easter basket on Holy Saturday.
Help by bringing items (pacifiers, coloring books, Skittles etc.) to a drop-off location. For the full list of items and the drop-off locations visit Alternately, text DONATEFORJOY to 41444 to donate.
Follow our progress by following Catholic Charities on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter @CCharitiesDOSP.
St. Lawrence Lenten Mission
February 22-25, 2021
Come to St. Lawrence and discover some ways we as Catholics can advocate for promotion of fairness and equity across aspects of society. The Lenten Mission talks on February 22 and 23rd will be in Spanish. The ones on Wednesday and Thursday, February 24 and 25th, will be in English. We will be meeting in the Church each evening at 7:00 PM. St. Lawrence is located at 5225 N. Himes Ave, Tampa.
Presenters will be Sabrina Burton Schultz, Director of Life Ministry at the Diocese of St. Petersburg, and Angelica V. “Vivi” Iglesias, National Advisor for Partnerships at Catholic Relief Services.
Each evening the talks will be livestreamed and available at any of the links below:
Parish’s Website:
Misión Cuaresmal en la Parroquia San Lorenzo
22-25 de Febrero de 2021
Si bien el mundo de hoy puede seguir pareciendo injusto y no pacífico, venga a ver y escuchar algunas formas en las que nosotros, como católicos, podemos defender la promoción de la justicia y la equidad en todos los aspectos de la sociedad. Las charlas de la misión del lunes y martes, 22 y 23 de febrero, serán en español; las del miércoles y jueves, 24 y 25 de febrero, serán en inglés. Nos reuniremos en el edificio de la iglesia cada noche a las 7:00 PM. La iglesia está localizada en 5225 N. Himes Ave., Tampa.
Nuestras presentadoras serán Sabrina Burton Schultz, Directora del Ministerio de la Vida en la Diócesis de San Petersburgo y Angélica V. “Vivi” Iglesias, Asesora Nacional de Asociaciones en Catholic Relief Services.
Estaremos transmitiendo en vivo las charlas todas las noches. Las charlas estarán disponibles en los siguientes enlaces:
Sitio web:
St. Timothy’s Women’s Club Annual Retreat
St. Timothy’s Women’s Club invites you to join us for sisterhood, friendship and spiritual growth. Bring a girlfriend, mom, and sister! All are welcome!
May 15, 2021 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm at Bethany Center, 18150 Bethany Center Dr., Lutz.
Theme: “Grace for Today: Spiritual Warfare and Strategies for Your Spiritual Growth”
Guest Speaker: Johnnette Benkovic Williams, Founder and President of Women of Grace.
Popular conference speaker, published author, retreat director, and seminar presenter.
Register online at:
St. Cecelia’s Parish Lenten Mission
St. Cecelia Catholic Church, 820 Jasmine Way, Clearwater, invites you to join them on their Lenten Mission from February 22 through 26, reflecting on the life of St. Joseph, spouse of Mary. In the spirit of St. Joseph, we would love to invite you and your congregation to enjoy the event, either in person or via convenient live-streaming on Facebook. Fr. Carlos Rojas will lead the mission.
For more details, please see poster and other media graphics on the links below:
Social media English:
For website Spanish:
For website English:
USF Campus Ministry
Lenten Book Club
Mondays at 6:00 PM beginning February 22, 2021
This Lent, the Catholic Bulls Alumni Society will be hosting a virtual book club. All are welcome to read along and join us each Monday to discuss Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux.
For questions, email To sign up, visit