Announcements ~ January 31, 2022

Office of Life Justice & Advocacy
Courage & Encourage Day of Recollection – MARCH 5, 2022
The Courage Apostolate offers support for men and women who experience same sex attraction and desire to live chaste lives following the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Join us for a day of prayer and fellowship in the Orlando area. For more information call 813-570-1163 or write
4a Conferencia Anual Hispana para Hombres “El Amor en la Familia como Expresión de Dios”
Presentada por la Diócesis de St. Petersburg y Suncoast Catholic Ministries. El evento será el sábado, 23 de abril, 2022, de 7:30 a.m. a 3:00 p.m., en el salón social de Nativity Catholic Church, 705 E. Brandon Blvd., Brandon. Conferenciantes invitados: el P. Mario Castañeda, el P. Chuck Dornquast y el Sr. Wilson Tamayo. La santa Misa será presidida por el P. Chuck Dornquast. Los boletos incluyen el almuerzo. Boletos individuales: $35. Combo de padre/hijo: $20 cada uno. En la puerta (si quedaran): $40. El cupo es limitado a fin de cumplir con los requisitos establecidos para minimizar el contagio del COVID-19. Para obtener boletos y más información visita:
Editor del buletin: Gráficas para promoción en este enlace:
4th Annual Hispanic Men’s Conference “Love in the Family as an Expression of God”
Presented by the Diocese of St. Petersburg and Suncoast Catholic Ministries. The event will be held on Saturday, April 23, 2022 from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Social Hall of Nativity Catholic Church, 705 E. Brandon Blvd., Brandon. Guest speakers are Fr. Mario Castañeda, Fr. Chuck Dornquast and Mr. Wilson Tamayo. The Holy Mass will be presided by Fr. Chuck Dornquast. Cost is $35 per individual ticket, and $20 per ticket for father and son attending together. Cost at the door (if tickets still available) is $40. Capacity is limited to follow guidelines to minimize the spread of COVID-19. T o buy tickets and for more information, visit:
Catholic Women’s Conference
Every woman is invited to attend Spirit FM’s 7th Annual Women’s Conference on April 2, 2022. It will be held at the Florida State Fairgrounds, and tickets are on sale through
Promotional flyer at this link:
Our Lady of Lourdes School Diamond Jubilee Celebration
All are invited to a special lecture as part of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration. Jeopardy champion and longtime Catholic educator, Sister Carol Cimino, will be the keynote speaker, lecturing on ‘Catholic Education – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: Hopes and Challenges.’
Join us on Thursday, January 27 at 6:30 pm in the Conmy Center of Our Lady of Lourdes, Dunedin.
Divorced Ministry at St. Raphael Church in St. Petersburg Presents: Palentine Day
Palentine Day – a Light Social Event, February 12, 7:00-9:00PM, 3 Daughters Brewing, 222 22nd St. S. in St. Petersburg.
Food, drinks & board games available. BYOBG (bring your own board game too).
For more information contact:
Our Lady of Good Counsel Camp in Floral City, FL is now hiring for summer 2022!
We currently accepting applications for the following positions:
Camp Healthcare Professional
June 12th – July 29th
-Good Counsel Camp is currently looking for a licensed healthcare professional with certification in CPR and first aid to live and work in the camp infirmary during the summer of 2022.
-The ideal candidate would live and work at camp for at least 3 of our 7 weeks of camp program.
-All applicants must have a certification in CPR and first aid, be able to pass a level II background check and complete the safe environment training provided by the Diocese of St. Petersburg.
To learn more and apply, please visit:
Promotional flyer at this link:
Summer Camp Counselors
June 4th – July 29th, 2022
-Our Lady of Good Counsel Camp is currently looking for young adults to live and work at camp during the 2022 summer season.
-Ideal candidates would love working with children and being outdoors, they feel a strong call to God and are confident in discussing their faith, are fun and outgoing but also responsible and understand that the safety of our campers is their top priority.
-All counselors must be 17 years old or older, pass a level II background check and complete the safe environment training provided by the Diocese of St. Petersburg.
To learn more and apply, visit:
Promotional flyer at this link: