Announcements ~ March 1, 2021

Office of Communications
Listen to Bishop Gregory Parkes via Podcast
On Proclaim, Invite and Encounter, Bishop Parkes speaks about God’s grace and mercy, stewardship, forgiveness and more. Click here to listen.
Catholic Campus Ministry ~ USF Catholic Bulls New Talk Show Episode
On a new episode of Catholic Bulls Late Night, a spin at the Lenten Wheel of Penance. Plus, learn about our Holy Buddy, St. Polycarp. Also, Father Justin Paskert shares a prayer he wrote to overcome COVID desolation. In addition to the physical threats of the worldwide pandemic, there are spiritual threats, attacks on the spiritual life, known as spiritual desolation. Click here to view.
Altar Server Appreciation Mass
The Youth Altar Server Appreciation Mass will be on Sunday, March 21, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, 5815 5th Avenue N., St. Petersburg. While we realize many parishes have not been using altar servers on a regular basis since last year, we still wanted to recognize those that have been serving over the years and since in person masses have resumed.
Due to COVID restrictions, altar servers will not gather and process in and there will not be a reception following the Mass. Seating will be first come first served, with no reserved seating. Altar servers are asked to sit with their families. We ask parish representatives to please complete the RSVP form that was previously sent as soon as possible, as seating will be limited. For detailed information, please follow this link:
If you have any questions, please call Heidi Varley at (727) 345-3452 or email
Healing Mass for Victims of Abuse
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Staff members from our diocesan Safe Environment Office and Victim Assistance Ministry are planning a “Healing Mass for Victims of Abuse,” to be held on Saturday, April 24, 2021, 11:00 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, 5815 5th Avenue N., St. Petersburg.
This Mass is open to the public and is intended for anyone who has suffered any type of abuse, either as a child or during adulthood. Bishop Gregory Parkes will be the main celebrant. Additional details will be forthcoming. If you have questions about this event, please contact Michael Craig, Safe Environment Program Coordinator at (727) 344-1611 or
40 Hours of Adoration at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
March 11-13, 2021
750 San Salvador Dr., Dunedin
“40 Hours” begins on Thursday, March 11 at 2:30pm. Memorial candles will be lit in honor of loved ones. Contact Lisa at (727) 733-3606 or to sign up or purchase a memorial candle.
Thursday: Confessions at 6:00 p.m.; “Seven Last Words” with Fr. Jonathan Emery at 7:00 p.m.
Friday: Stations of the Cross at 9:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.
Saturday: Confessions at 8:00 a.m.; Led Holy Hour, Eucharistic Procession, Benediction at 9:00 a.m