Announcements ~ March 22, 2021

Get Ready for Holy Week with Bishop Parkes
Join Bishop Gregory Parkes for his podcasts, Proclaim, Invite and Encounter and An Invitation to Worship. In the coming days, Bishop Parkes reflects on the start of Holy Week with beauty of the Chrism Mass, the significance of servant leadership at the Last Supper, and the joy of baptisms at the Easter Vigil. He also shares his Palm Sunday message on An Invitation to Worship. To listen on demand, to subscribe, or to find out more, visit Podcasts – Diocese of Saint Petersburg ( (, or listen throughout the day on Spirit FM.
Easter Message from Bishop Parkes
We are providing QR Code bulletin graphics (square and rectangle sized in English and Spanish). Parishioners can point their cell phone camera at the QR code and a link to access the webpage with the bishop’s message will appear.
Graphisc at these links:
Square (English) –
Square (Spanish)-
Horizontal (English) –
Horizontal (Spanish) –
Join Bishop Gregory Parkes for the Chrism Mass Livestream or Radio Broadcast on March 30th at 11:30 a.m.|
During the Chrism Mass, Bishop Parkes will consecrate the Sacred Chrism Oil that will be used during thousands of Baptisms and Confirmations throughout the coming year in local parishes. The bishop will also bless the Oil of Catechumens that is reserved for adults preparing to be baptized and the Oil of the Sick, that is reserved for those who are seriously ill. Priests also renew their commitment to priestly service. The Chrism Mass from the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle will be livestreamed at, and as well via radio broadcast on Spirit FM 90.5.
(For Parish Use: Square/Instagram graphic, Rectangle/Facebook graphic, Rectangle/Twitter graphic)
Holy Week Liturgies with Bishop Gregory Parkes
You are invited to join Bishop Parkes for Holy Week Liturgies to celebrate the Easter Triduum! To reach our homebound community, the Masses of Holy Week will be livestreamed at,, and as well as via radio broadcast on Spirit FM 90.5.
(For parish use: Square/Instagram graphic, Rectangle/Facebook graphic, Rectangle/Twitter graphic)
3a Conferencia Anual Hispana para Hombres “CONFIANZA EN EL SEÑOR”
Presentada por la Diócesis de St. Petersburg y Suncoast Catholic Ministries.
El evento será el sábado 10 de abril, 2021, de 7:30 a.m. a 3:00 p.m., en el gimnasio del Boys and Girls Club, Resurrection Catholic Church, 6819 Krycul Avenue, Riverview, FL. Conferenciantes invitados: Abad Isaac Camacho, el Sr. Javier Maldonado y el P. Chuck Dornquast. La Santa Misa será presidida por Monseñor Gregory L. Parkes junto al P. Michael Carruthers, quien dará la homilía en español. Los boletos incluyen el almuerzo. Boletos individuales: $35. Combo de padre/hijo: $20 cada uno. En la puerta (si quedaran): $40. El cupo es limitado a fin de cumplir con los requisitos establecidos para minimizar el contagio del COVID-19. Para obtener boletos y más información visita:
(For Parish use:
–Flyer available at this link:
–Half page bulletin announcement at this link:
–Promotional video at this link:
3rd Annual Hispanic Men’s Conference “TRUST IN THE LORD”
Presented by the Diocese of St. Petersburg and Suncoast Catholic Ministries.
The event will be held on Saturday, April 10, 2021 from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Boys and Girls Club, Resurrection Catholic Church, 6819 Krycul Avenue, Riverview, FL. Guest speakers will include: Abbot Isaac Camacho, Mr. Javier Maldonado and Fr. Chuck Dornquast. The Holy Mass will be presided by Bishop Gregory L. Parkes and concelebrated by Msgr. Michael Carruthers, who will deliver the homily in Spanish. Cost is $35 per individual ticket, and $20 per ticket for father and son attending together. Cost at the door (if tickets still available) is $40. Capacity is limited to follow guidelines to minimize the spread of COVID-19. To buy tickets and for more information, visit:
Bulletin Announcement: To be in the bulletin weekends of March, April, May, June 2021
Post Abortion Healing – Project Rachel
Project Rachel is a confidential healing ministry for the many people, both men and women who have been impacted by an abortion decision. Upcoming healing programs include:
– One Day Project Rachel Retreats: Sat. April.24 and Sat. June 5 ($20 reg. fee). Flyer available at this link:
– One Day Men’s Retreat: Sat. June 26, 2021 ($20.00 reg. fee). Flyer available at this link:
– Weekend Retreat: July 9-11, 2021 ($200 reg. fee)
More details and pre-registration needed. Please contact us at 813-924-4173 or email: