Announcements ~ October 2, 2023

Ordination to the Diaconate
The Diocese of St. Petersburg is happy to announce that Most Reverend Gregory L. Parkes will ordain Paul Benfanti (St. Paul, St. Petersburg), John Gerdes (Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, St. Petersburg), Charles Glass (St. Paul, Tampa), Joseph Grimaudo (Our Lady of the Rosary, Land O’ Lakes), Michael Hurst (St. Clement, Plant City), Scott Moore (Our Lady of Lourdes, Dunedin), Shawn Ryan (St. Stephen, Riverview), and William Stephen (St. Paul, Tampa) to the Permanent Diaconate on Saturday, October 14, 2023, at 11:00 a.m., at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, 5815 Fifth Avenue North, St. Petersburg. All are welcome to attend!
For a group photo of the soon-to-be deacons please click here.
St. Andrew’s Dinner
We invite young men, 16 and older, to join us for a casual discernment event on October 25, 2023. Join us for dinner and vocation stories with Bishop Gregory Parkes, Fr. Chuck Dornquast, and other priests. Parents are also invited to join for a parent discussion and a meal. We will meet at St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, 1955 S Belcher Rd., in Clearwater, at 6:30 PM.
Visit the following link for registration:
Abundance Holy Hour
Abundance is a monthly Diocesan Holy Hour for Vocations sponsored by the Serra Club. It is hosted at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, 5815 5th Ave N, St. Petersburg, at 6:30 PM. The upcoming dates are: September 27th; October 25th; November 15th and December 20, 2023.
Join us as we pray for an abundance of vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
From the Office of Marriage and Family Life
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
The Worldwide Marriage Encounter experience is a heart haven that helps you to connect more deeply. There is no group discussion. It’s just about the two of you learning to be the best, most loving and thriving couple you can be. Next weekend is November 17-19, 2023 at the Franciscan Center in Tampa. Learn more at Use Promo Code SAVE50 to save 50% on application fee. Questions? Contact Steve and Suzie 813-270-7832 or
An Invitation from the Office of the Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute
LPMI Year of Discernment
Ask yourself: Could God be calling me to be a Lay Ecclesial Minister in His Church? For anyone interested in attending the LPMI Year of Discernment, the registration form and program information can be found on the LPMI web site at: or call the LPMI office at (727) 344-1611. New classes begin October 14, 2023.
International Festival
Blessed Sacrament Parish, Tampa, invites you to their 14th Annual International Festival on Sunday, October 15, 2023 at the parish grounds at 7001 12th Ave. S., Tampa. The festival starts at 8:30 AM. There will be food, music, raffles, dances and lots of vendors. Free parking. Contact the parish office for more information, 813-626-2984. All are welcome!
Flyer at this link:
Festival Internacional
La comunidad parroquial de Blessed Sacrament, Tampa, les invita su 14to Festival Internacional el domingo, 15 de octubre de 2023 en los predios de la iglesia en el 7001 12th Ave. S. , Tampa. El festival comienza a las 8:30 AM. Tendremos comida, rifas, bailes y vendedores. El estacionamiento es gratis. Para más información, llame a la oficina parroquial al 813-626-2984. Les esperamos!
Flyer en español:
St. Lawrence Catholic School’s Open House – October 27th at 9:00 AM
Save the Date & RSVP for St. Lawrence Catholic School’s Open House, 5225 N. Himes Ave., Tampa, on October 27th at 9:00 AM in Higgins Hall. Enjoy light refreshments and an informational morning followed by a student-guided tour.
RSVP by emailing LiliAnne Rodriguez at See you there!
Flyer at this link:
Parish Pilgrimages
If your parish is offering a pilgrimage within the coming months, we invite you to share this information with the Pastoral Bulletin: This allows readers to view opportunities to participate in an upcoming pilgrimage.
The pilgrimages are posted in the Diocesan website under the Pastoral Bulletin page at this link: