Announcements ~ September 11, 2023

Bishop Gregory Parkes Provides $100,000 to Catholic Charities for Hurricane Relief
On September 6, 2023, Bishop Gregory Parkes presented Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Petersburg with a donation of $100,000 to help with local needs for those impacted by Hurricane Idalia. This was made possible by donations to the Diocese of St. Petersburg Disaster Relief Fund. “There are those in our Diocese who have been affected greatly, especially in Citrus County. As a result, there are many of the faithful, as well as those who are not Catholic, that live up there who are in need,” said Bishop Parkes during the check presentation ceremony at the Pastoral Center.
Office of Communications
Help Us Reach 1,000
Gulf Coast Catholic is now on Instagram! Will you help us reach our goal of 1,000 followers? You will have access to more videos and bonus content, such as this Friday’s Instagram Takeover by Caleb Malec, a seminarian from St. Stephen Parish in Riverview. Get to know Caleb and see what he will be sharing on Friday, September 15th.
Follow us today @GulfCoastCatholic on Instagram. (
Promotional graphic at this link:
Office of Marriage and Family Life Ministry
Together in Holiness Conference
The Diocese of St. Petersburg is partnering with the St. John Paul II Foundation to sponsor a special event for married couples. “Together in Holiness,” a marriage conference that inspires spouses and empowers parents, will be held on Saturday, March 16, 2024, at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, in St. Petersburg. This conference includes dynamic presentations, childcare, Mass, Adoration, Confession, and more! Couples are encouraged to save the date now to participate! To learn more, contact
Flyer at this link:
Office of Life, Justice and Advocacy Ministry
Save Lives through the Power of Prayer
The 40 Days for Life campaign aims to end abortion through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day prayer vigil in front of abortion businesses. Will you sign up to pray for one day or multiple days? The Diocese of St. Petersburg will have prayer vigils at three different locations in Hillsborough and Pinellas counties. Our goal is to save lives and to have a large, peaceful/prayerful presence outside of these three abortion facilities. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Please visit or contact Jill Ricardo, our diocesan 40 Days for Life Coordinator at
To download promotional graphics, click on the links below:
Instagram –
Facebook –
Twitter –
Did You Know?
Ensuring Your Child’s School Is Safe
Every teacher, coach, and volunteer who works with children in the parishes and schools of the Diocese of St. Petersburg must have a background check before he or she is permitted to work in any school- or parish-related job or activity that involves contact with children. But what about the children who attend non-Catholic private or public schools?
Talk with school administrators and find out what steps they take to protect children from harm. Suggest that they review other abuse prevention programs to ensure that their policies and practices are up to date. And demand that all employees and volunteers who work in the school be properly screened, including background checks, before they are allowed to be near your children.
For particular help you may call: Michael Craig, Safe Environment Program Manager at (727) 344-1611, ext. 5377.
Office of Life, Justice & Advocacy
“These men and women testify to the power of grace, the nobility and resilience of the human heart.” – Cardinal Robert Sarah
Courage is a group of Catholics who experience same-sex attractions and who strive to live chaste lives marked by prayer, fellowship and mutual support.
For more information, visit or contact our Diocese’s chapter at 727-223-1666 or email:
EnCourage members are parents, spouses, siblings and friends of people who identify as LGBTQ. They are looking for help to keep the faith and keep the family bonds intact.
For more information, visit or contact our Diocese’s chapter at 813-591-3766 or email
Quick view resources:
- To listen:
- under the “study” tab, then “current topics”, then “special topics”:
- Desire of the Everlasting Hills (one hour documentary)
- Invited to Courageous Love – This five-part film series (25 minutes each) explores Catholic teaching on a wide range of questions connected to same-sex attraction
Courage logo available at this link:
From Serra Club
Bulletin for Sept 17 and Sept 24
Sunday, September 24, 2023 has been designated Priesthood Sunday by Serra International, This day is set aside to gratefully reflect upon, honor and affirm the vital role priests play in the life of the Church and in the lives of each of us.
Think about it ! Priests are God’s instruments through which we are Baptized into the very Body of Christ, the Church, and through whom our spiritual lives are nourished through the sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation.
So pray for your priests this day and take a moment to thank them personally for their dedicated service as faithful “other Christs” in our lives.
Eucharistic Healing Retreat
In June, Elisheba House sponsored a Eucharistic Healing Retreat for adults, which sold out quickly. Due to the event’s popularity, a second retreat is being offered from October 20-21, 2023, at the Hampton Inn, in Trinity. Flyer advertising the event can be found at this link:, and those interested may register by going to If you have questions, please contact Ivonne Hernandez, at (813) 335-2163 or
St. John Vianney Church Grief Support Workshop
Are you grieving the loss of a loved one and looking for faith-based support? Join the St. John Vianney St. Pete Beach Bereavement Ministry for a five-week grief support workshop.
Video presentations include two priests, and John & Sandy O’Shaughnessy from Good Mourning Ministry – a Catholic bereavement organization.
Sessions: Tuesdays, from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM, on Oct. 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, and Nov. 7, 2023.
Registration information: Sr. Marydolores (727) 360-1147 ext. 223.
Is God Calling you to be a Secular Franciscan?
Walk in the footsteps of St. Francis following the Gospel life as a Secular Franciscan. We are your neighbors: practicing Catholics, single and married, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, students and professionals. Together and individually we pray, study and live the Gospel. If you’re interested, please contact:
Tampa: Sandi Scionti, 813-690-8305,
North Tampa: Cathy Goldie, 813-850-6868,
Clearwater: Rachel Ahern, 727-492-5666,
Sun City Center: Kristine Littrell, 585-455-7410,
Parish Pilgrimages
If your parish is offering a pilgrimage within the coming months, we invite you to share this information with the Pastoral Bulletin: This allows readers to view opportunities to participate in an upcoming pilgrimage.
The pilgrimages are posted in the Diocesan website under the Pastoral Bulletin page at this link: