Catholic Foundation Giving Challenge Off to a Great Start!

The Catholic Foundation 2021 Giving Challenge is off to a great start! Two weeks ago, the Foundation announced that due to the current status of the pandemic and concern for the safety of potential guests, the annual Gala event would not be held in 2021.
Instead, past event sponsors and supporters, as well as new donors, are being invited to participate in the 2021 Giving Challenge. “We still need to support the ministries that benefit from the Gala event – Catholic school tuition assistance, affordable housing efforts, youth and young adult ministry and evangelization,” said Catholic Foundation Board of Trustees member and pastor of St. Catherine of Siena in Clearwater, Rev. Msgr. Robert Morris. “therefore our goal is to raise $300,000 or more through direct donations to the challenge.”
For many who have been a part of the Gala in recent years, the knowledge that there will be no event expenses and therefore, every dollar donated provides direct assistance is very appealing. Since the official launch on January 4, 2021, 41 corporate and individual sponsors have come on board, with an additional 11 personal gifts. “We have reached $148,500 in just a couple of weeks,” said Meegan Wright, Executive Director of the Catholic Foundation. “We are off to a great start, and look forward to not just achieving our goal, but far exceeding it.”
To learn more about the 2021 Giving Challenge, or to make a gift, click here.