Famed “Miracle Hunter” Michael O’Neill’s original EWTN series They Might Be Saints will air a special one-hour episode on Wednesday, June 6, 2018 at 10:00 p.m. EDT featuring the proposed Martyrs of la Florida. The cause for the Martyrs of la Florida was formally opened on October 12, 2015 in Tallahassee and is currently being prepared for submission to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome.

About the Florida Martyrs
Officially designated as the cause of the Servants of God Antonio Cuipa and Companions, this cause includes 17 priests and religious, 7 Spanish lay men and women, and over 60 Native Americans who were killed in evangelizing and defending the Catholic faith in our nation’s colonial land known as la Florida. It is a seamless story that began in 1549 with the courageous landing of the Dominicans in Tampa Bay and ended in 1761 in Pensacola as three Apalachee Indians were killed trying to protect the Eucharist. Those being considered for canonization lost their lives in six of the current seven Florida dioceses and beyond.

About the episode
They Might Be Saints examines individuals on the path to sainthood. This episode will focus on some of the courageous and heroic witnesses who gave their lives for the Catholic faith during the Spanish missionary period. It was filmed on location at various sites in Florida and includes interviews with expert witnesses as well as several Florida bishops. Additionally, prior to the episode’s debut on June 6th, Fr. Mitch Pacwa will have as his guests on EWTN Live at 8 p.m. EDT Fr. Len Plazewski, Vice-Postulator for the Florida Martyrs Cause and Heather Jordan, who serves on the Board of the Martyrs of La Florida Missions Inc.