For deaneries, parishes, and all Catholic schools of the Diocese to help you launch the pastoral plan. Check back as we will be updating this page as more content is made available.
On October 28, 2024, Bishop Gregory Parkes launched a new Pastoral Plan for the Diocese of Saint Petersburg called, “Courageously Living the Gospel: A Call to Conversion.” As secular influences seek to draw us away from our faith, it’s even more important for us to stand firm in the faith, make Christ known to others, follow Him more closely, and to share His love. The new plan has three priorities and 12 goals that will help all to know Christ’s love. To see how the Lord is calling us to courageously live the gospel at this moment in the history of our diocese, visit

Video message from Bishop Parkes about Courageously Living the Gospel: A Call to Conversion, our Pastoral Plan. Parishes are asked to show this video to parishioners before or after Mass or at other gatherings, and/or email the video to your parish via this email link before the start of the new year. (Perhaps in conjunction with the Bulletin insert.)

How We See It – radio show segment Vocations and a New Pastoral Plan featuring Bishop Parkes discussing the Pastoral Plan with host John Morris

Recording of Bishop Parkes praying the prayer for pastoral planning, A Step Along the Way.

Reels and sample text – Bishop Parkes sharing the Pastoral Plan at a prayer service.
Reel 1: “A Call to Conversion is underway in our Diocese. This Pastoral Plan was based on your input! To learn more, visit” #CourageouslyLiving #CallToConversion
Reel 2: “Have you read our new Pastoral Plan? A Call to Conversion is underway and I invite you to be a part of it! To learn more, visit” #CourageouslyLiving #CallToConversion
Reel 3: “A Call to Conversion sets forth a roadmap for how we will Courageously Live the Gospel! To learn more, visit” #CourageouslyLiving #CallToConversion
Reel 4: “This is the vision for our Diocese – hopefully it will sound familiar! To learn more, visit” #CourageouslyLiving #CallToConversion

SpiritFM Instagram Reel – Diocese meeting, committing to the plan. Together we can do this!

Video message from Bishop Parkes about Courageously Living the Gospel: A Call to Conversion, our Pastoral Plan. Smaller file for sharing on social media.

Two-sided flyer or bulletin insert with key information about the pastoral plan 8.5″x11″. Parishes are asked to publish this insert in the bulletin prior to the start of the new year. (Perhaps in conjunction with the Bishop’s Video Message.)

Pastoral Letter from Bishop Gregory Parkes.

For diocesan entities – Lists of the Pastoral Plan items to put into action, organized by date.