Original Goal: Every parish will equip parishioners as Missionary Disciples who are inspired to invite and accompany others by Pentecost 2020.

Why this is essential for our future:  In March of 2021, a U.S. Gallup Poll found that U.S. Church membership across all faith traditions fell below the majority of adults for the first time in the survey’s history. Each Catholic is called by baptism to be a disciple of Christ and to make other disciples.

What We Accomplished: Many parishes have remained connected to parishioners via technology and communication tools and are helping children, teens, and adults to continue their growth in the faith despite the challenges of COVID-19.  Diocesan partnerships with Dynamic Catholic/Dynamic Parish, Revive Parish, and other best practice resources have provided numerous parishes the opportunity to equip parishioners as missionary disciples.

New Goal: Parish teams will gather in regional sessions to plan strategies for fostering and empowering missionary disciples. Every parish will equip parishioners as Missionary Disciples who are inspired to invite and accompany others by July 1, 2022. 

Click here to find current and ongoing free programs, events, tools for ministry formation and parishioner formation to prepare all as Missionary Disciples equipped for Courageously Living the Gospel!

For more information, contact Diane Kledzik, Interim Executive Director for Missionary Discipleship at dmk@dosp.org or 727-344-1611.