St. Stephen Parish

Coordinator of Youth & Young Adult Ministry (Full-time)

St. Stephen Catholic Church in Riverview, FL is looking for a full-time faith-filled Youth & Young Adult Minister that can lead the hearts of Middle School, High School, and Young Adults to Christ.

This individual should be innovative and intentional in reaching youth, parents, and young adults in a culturally diverse parish, united to Christ in teachings and Sacraments of the Catholic Church and have a heart to minister. 

Additional Qualifications: Diocesan or parish-based working in youth ministry, communications, and organizational skills a must, education in Catholic religious studies, minimum 2 years of experience working within youth ministry; experience leading teams of volunteers; experience recruiting volunteers.

Must successfully complete a Level II FBI background screening and complete Safe Environment Training. 

Applications for the position can be downloaded from the Diocesan website at https://www.dosp.org/humanresources/employment-opportunities/.  Application, Resume and Letter of Interest should be emailed to the Director of Faith Formation Rosie Bridges, Rosie@ststephencatholic.org.