Journey with CRS Rice Bowl for Lent

CRS Rice Bowl Mini-Grant Applications
Each Lent, parishes, schools and campus ministries of the Diocese of St. Petersburg participate in Rice Bowl, the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) educational program of prayer, fasting, learning and giving. CRS Rice Bowl is Catholic Relief Services’ Lenten program for families and faith communities in the United States who want to put their faith into action. Through CRS Rice Bowl, participants are invited to hear stories about their brothers and sisters in need around the world, and devote their Lenten prayers, fasting and alms to change the lives of those who suffer in poverty.
Of the funds available for distribution from the CRS Rice Bowl collection, 75% is sent to CRS headquarters to fund projects that prevent hunger and poverty around the world. The 25% retained by our Diocese is being made available for small grants of up to $1,000.00. Diocesan entities may apply for assistance in funding innovative hunger and poverty alleviation efforts, justice education or start-up for CRS projects. Due to the pandemic, projects aimed at alleviating hunger/poverty will be prioritized.
Application Deadline is October 1, 2021. Grant awards will be announced on October 25, 2021. Find the grant application here.
Please contact the Office of Life, Justice & Advocacy with questions: 727-344-1611 *5325;