CatholicHôM® (Households on Mission) 
The Messy Family ProjectPizza and Parenting is a new free 12-part series to help you build community in your parish.
Trinity House / En Español

Catholic Living and/or Religious Goods
Be a Heart – Blog
Catholic All Year – Teaching Families to Live Catholic All Year – occasional emails, marketplace, membership
Catholic Family Crate
Catholic Icing
Faith + Family Collective
The Catholic Kid
Trinity House Community – A Catholic ministry that inspires families to make home a taste of heaven for the renewal of faith and culture. En Español.

Resources to Partner with Families
Family Honor – Providing a Catholic framework on the truth and meaning of sexuality, love, and family
Conversations about L.I.F.E. – Love | Infatuation | Friendship | Exploration

Resources for Parents
Women Wonderfully Made – Created for busy moms and their daughters, this self-paced video course explores the changes that come to a girl’s body as she goes through adolescence, teaches her how to care for herself during this time, and, most importantly, encourages her to trust God’s design.

DOSP Resources
Young Families Ministry (Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle)
Strong Catholic Family Faith (Nationally curated website for parish and school leaders and parents)