The Office of Marriage & Family Life exists to build the Body of Christ in the Diocese of St. Petersburg by providing a Catholic vision of Sacramental Marriage as an icon of the love between Christ and His Bride, the Church, by validating the family as holy in all the various dimensions that constitute the family unit, and by regarding the parish community as a family of families and small communities. We offer marriage preparation and enrichment, partner with programs and organizations for marriage renewal and pastoral care, and serve as resource/consultant for parish processes and programs. We are home to initiatives and projects that empower parish and school leaders to partner with parents in building the domestic church and support parishes in ministering with families throughout the family life cycle. We offer training to parishes in forming and developing small Christian communities as vehicles of missionary discipleship and in incorporating faith sharing into all aspects of parish life. We support parish and diocesan men’s and women’s ministries. We recognize the multicultural make-up of our Diocese and provide and accompany processes, services and programs in English and Spanish.

We Offer, Connect with and/or Support Parishes in:

Family Ministry Initiatives:  Each parish’s circumstances, resources and needs vary significantly. Referencing the Parish Plan for the Family Ministry Goal of Courageously Living the Gospel is an excellent starting point as you consider how to accompany families in all the stages of family life. If your pastor/parish team would like assistance in developing strategies to minister with parents, families, couples, etc., please email Diane Kledzik, or Debbie Alexander, Parish and School Leaders will find a plethora of resources for all aspects of family ministry at Strong Catholic Family Faith,

Strengthening Families Through Faith

Marriage Preparation
Marriage Enrichment / Living the Sacrament
Strong Catholic Families
Small Christian Communities
This ministry is supported through gifts to the Catholic Ministry Appeal.