Ministries of Mercy Leaders Gather at the Bethany Center

Representatives from various Ministries of Mercy initiatives and programs around the diocese gathered for the annual Mass and luncheon at the Bethany Center in Lutz on Saturday, August 18, 2018.
Ministries of Mercy initiatives around our diocese include various parish ministries, the various programs of Catholic Catholic Charities, various chapters of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, and the Daystar Life Center amongst others.
The Ministries of Mercy initiative was started in 2006 by Bishop Lynch to support and foster parish ministries that serve the poor, suffering, and marginalized. The initiative was modeled after the Corporal Works of Mercy; feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked, visiting the sick, visiting the imprisoned, giving drink to the thirsty, & burying the dead and was identified as a priority in the diocese.
Today, these ministries of mercy are very present in our parishes and communities across the diocese serving thousands who come to our doors seeking help. They have been integral to the life of the Catholic Church for centuries following Jesus’ example of reaching out to the poor. Their focus is on five areas where the need is the greatest: food & clothing, shelter, life, visitation, and health.
Thank you to Rowena Wilkinson for graciously taking and sharing these photos with us!