Mrs. Anne Sifferlin

Word reached the Chancellor’s Office that Mrs. Anne Sifferlin, 100, retired employee of the Pastoral Center, passed away on Friday, July 28, 2023, in Seminole, Florida. Anne worked for the Diocese of St. Petersburg from October 1982 until her retirement in November 2004. She served in the offices of Insurance, Building Commission (Construction), Vocations, and Real Estate.
Anne was a joy to work with and the life of every gathering. One of her goals was to celebrate her 100th birthday, which she accomplished at the Lake Seminole Square Senior Living Facility with a group of friends, on February 15, 2023.
No local funeral services have been planned.
Please keep Anne’s family and loved ones in your kind thoughts and prayers.
May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed,
by the mercy of God rest in peace!