National Black Catholic Congress XII – Orlando, Florida

The National Black Congress XII is coming to Florida. The Congress is held every five years and the next one will be in Orlando, Florida from July 6 to July 9, 2017. If you have never been to the Congress before, this is a great opportunity. Our local Day of Reflection, held on July 16, 2016 gave us a framework in preparing for the Congress experience.
The Congress theme “The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me: act justly, love goodness, and walk humbly with your God” challenges us to be true evangelizers through our concern for social justice in our lives, in our actions and in the world around us. National and international speakers will share their insights, experiences and inspiration with us as we engage together in this Congress.
Please visit the Congress website for registration and hotel information. Early Bird registration ($350.00 Adults / $250.00 Youth) ends April 7. You can still register after that, but the price will increase.
You can also contact Dale Brown at for information.