Announcements ~ November 1, 2021

Did You Know?
Dangers of Cell Phone Cameras
Cell phones with photographic capability are a mixed blessing. Forget your camera?
Whip out the cell phone, and your toddler’s first step, friend’s goofy mishap, or fenderbender is captured for posterity.
But cell phones are also being used in a sinister way—to silently take pictures of unsuspecting children, adolescents, and adults in compromising positions and without their consent. Plus, unlike conventional photographs, digital photos can be placed on the Internet very quickly—within minutes of taking the photo—and distributed around the world. In fact, some Web sites have been created for the sole purpose of posting photos taken surreptitiously with camera phones.
Develop a healthy suspicion of anyone using a cell phone in an awkward way, such as not holding it up to his or her ear or facing his or her mouth in a walkie-talkie style. Be especially cognizant of any suspicious cell phone use in areas where people could be in various states of undress or where children are gathered. If you see someone using a cell phone in a way that appears suspicious, don’t be afraid to ask what he or she is doing or to alert someone in a position of authority about your concerns.
For particular help you may call: Michael Craig, Safe Environment Program Manager at (727) 344-1611, ext. 5377.
Source: Donna Albertone, “Taking a Closer Look at Cell Phone Video Voyeurism,” featured March 7, 2005, at
Synod-It’s a Church Thing
The Catholic Church is journeying together to grow in communion, participation and mission as we look towards the future. This process, called for by Pope Francis, is known as the Synod on Synodality. Synod is an ancient word in the Tradition of the Church, whose meaning draws on the deepest themes of Revelation. It indicates the path along which the People of God walk together. To learn more visit
Editors may find a graphic here.
Leaving the Upper Room: Carrying the Gospel to the World after COVID with Deacon Greg Kandra
Saint Mary Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, 515 Fourth Street South, Saint Petersburg, FL 33701 invites you for this event on November 15 and 16, 2021, from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. Includes Mass Tuesday evening. We will meet in the church. No registration needed.
As we reel from our shared experience of a world-wide pandemic, we are invited to a new Pentecost. Come join in this two-evening event as we renew our faith together!