The Office of Communications has created this page for parishes in the Diocese of St. Petersburg to find free and shareable content that helps to evangelize, inspire, and unite our community. Parishes of the Diocese of St. Petersburg have our approval to share any of the materials listed below on their website, social media, bulletin, and other parish communication channels. If you have questions about any materials found on this page, please email (Please note: Local photos of your parish and parishioners typically obtain the most engagement on a parish social media account and other parish communication channels. However, this content can also support your efforts.)
Click here to view March content
(Right click on any graphic below, then select “Save Image As” to download it to your computer)
Not Date Specific

Month of the Holy Family
February is the month of the Holy Family. May we remember that our own families should reflect their love and example and let us pray that the Holy Family will guide us in holiness.
Date Specific

January 28 – February 3– Catholic Schools Week
We are proud to have so many Catholic schools within our diocese and love to see young people growing in not only their academics but also their love and knowledge of God. Let us pray for all Catholic school students, teachers, and administrators today. 🙏🏼

February 2– Presentation of the Lord
Mary and Joseph presented Jesus to the temple as Jewish customs asked them to do. Simeon recognized the Messiah in the temple and praised God. Today, let us strive to be more aware of the Lord’s presence in our lives.

February 3– St. Blaise
Today we celebrate St. Blaise. He is known for working to ensure the spiritual and physical health of his people during his time as bishop. His intercession is often sought for illnesses of the throat. Today may we remember to take care of ourselves, not just physically, but spiritually as well. St. Blaise, pray for us! 🙏🏼
#CourageouslyLiving #CourageousSaints

February 3-4– Weekly Catholic Ministry Appeal Resource
Each week the Catholic Ministry Appeal is providing a graphic and resource sheet for parish use. These resources draw upon the weekend’s Mass readings and also provide bulletin and pulpit announcements. Click here for this week’s resource sheet.

February 7 – 14– National Marriage Week
National Marriage Week takes place each year for the week leading up to Valentine’s Day. This is a time to focus on building a culture that supports families and the sacrament of marriage. This year’s theme is “Marriage…one flesh, given and received.”

February 8– St. Josephine Bakhita
St. Josephine Bakhita was an African slave who converted to the Catholic faith and became a religious sister with the Canossian order. She spent much of her life working with children and joyfully leading others to Christ. Today let us remember that knowing the Lord is a gift that we should strive to share with others. St. Josephine Bakhita, pray for us! 🙏🏼
#CourageouslyLiving #CourageousSaints

February 10-11– Weekly Catholic Ministry Appeal Resource
Each week the Catholic Ministry Appeal is providing a graphic and resource sheet for parish use. These resources draw upon the weekend’s Mass readings and also provide bulletin and pulpit announcements. Click here for this week’s resource sheet.

February 11– Our Lady of Lourdes
Today we celebrate Our Lady of Lourdes. Our Lady made eighteen appearances to St. Bernadette in Lourdes, France, providing many insights to her. Many miraculous cures have taken place in Lourdes. On Our Lady’s feast day, may we remember to call upon the intercession of our Mother Mary. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us! 🙏🏼
#CourageouslyLiving #CourageousSaints

February 11– World Marriage Day
On World Marriage Day, let us remember that the sacrament of marriage shows others the example of love, strength, peace, courage, and charity. Join us in praying for all married couples that their marriages may reflect the union of Christ and His Church.

February 14– Ash Wednesday
Today begins the liturgical season of Lent. The three pillars of Lent are Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving. Let us enter prayerfully into this season by being reminded of our own repentance and death as we receive ashes in the shape of a cross on our foreheads.
#CourageouslyLiving #Lent

February 14 – March 31– Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl
The CRS Rice Bowl is the Lenten program for Catholic Relief Services. The collecting of these alms donates to help the diocese and Catholic Relief Services serve impoverished individuals and families. CRS has many Lenten family resources to dive prayerfully into Lent. Click here for more information.

February 14– Valentine’s Day
On this Valentine’s Day, let us remember that we are able to love others because we are loved by God. Take the time to love your spouse, family, friends, neighbors, and strangers today.

February 17-18– Weekly Catholic Ministry Appeal Resource
Each week the Catholic Ministry Appeal is providing a graphic and resource sheet for parish use. These resources draw upon the weekend’s Mass readings and also provide bulletin and pulpit announcements. Click here for this week’s resource sheet.

February 19– Presidents’ Day
Presidents’ Day celebrates the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln as well as honors all presidents both past and present. Today let us pray for all government leaders, that they lead with honesty and justice.

February 23– St. Polycarp
Today we celebrate the feast of St. Polycarp. He was a disciple of St. John the Apostle and was a bishop in the early Church. He was well-known for being faith-filled and loyal to Christ and the Church as he was martyred for the faith. Like St. Polycarp, may we too be strong in our faith and not be afraid of those who wish to oppose the Church. St. Polycarp, pray for us! 🙏🏼
#CourageouslyLiving #CourageousSaints

February 24-25– Weekly Catholic Ministry Appeal Resource
Each week the Catholic Ministry Appeal is providing a graphic and resource sheet for parish use. These resources draw upon the weekend’s Mass readings and also provide bulletin and pulpit announcements. Click here for this week’s resource sheet.
Other Content
Catholic Ministry Appeal
Click here to find materials that have been designed to assist parishes in promoting, educating and spreading the word about the 2024 Catholic Ministry Appeal. Throughout the year, more resources will be added, updated and shared with parishes.
Catholic Cemeteries
For graphics, promotional text and logos about the new Resurrection Catholic Cemetery, click here.
National Eucharistic Revival
Click here to find photos, graphics and logos to promote the National Eucharistic Revival, an initiative of the bishops of the United States to renew our devotion and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
Pastoral Bulletin
Click here to find announcements, graphics and information from our diocesan ministries and our parishes, schools and diocesan entities.