The Office of Communications has created this page for parishes in the Diocese of St. Petersburg to find free and shareable content that helps to evangelize, inspire, and unite our community. Parishes of the Diocese of St. Petersburg have our approval to share any of the materials listed below on their website, social media, bulletin, and other parish communication channels. If you have questions about any materials found on this page, please contact Brittany DeHaan, (Please note: Local photos of your parish and parishioners typically obtain the most engagement on a parish social media account and other parish communication channels. However, this content can also support your efforts.)
(Right click on any graphic below, then select “Save Image As” to download it to your computer)
Not Date Specific
Month of the Rosary
October is traditionally dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. This month, may we remember to rely on Mary and her goodness to lead us ever closer to Christ.
Date Specific
October 4 | Saint Francis of Assisi
St. Francis lived a life of poverty, but one of extreme joy for the Lord. He was known for preaching to others by example and for guiding those around him to have a disposition of peace and joy. Like St. Francis, may we too be instruments of peace and joy to others. St. Francis of Assisi, pray for us! 🙏🏼
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October 7 | Our Lady of the Rosary
Today we celebrate Our Lady of the Rosary on her feast day. Our Lady first gave the Rosary to St. Dominic which he then spread throughout the world as a great way to help us meditate on the mysteries of our salvation. Let us remember on this day to pray the Rosary– to hand over everything to Jesus through Mary. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us! 🙏🏼
#courageouslyliving #courageoussaints
October 12 | Blessed Carlo Acutis
Blessed Carlo Acutis was born in 1991 and passed away from cancer in 2006. He was beatified in 2020. Growing up, he volunteered to help with the poor, was a frequent communicant, and he prayed daily in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Most notably, he created a website to catalogue every Eucharistic miracle throughout the world. Like Blessed Carlo, may we accept our sufferings with joy and increase our devotion to the Eucharist. Blessed Carlo Acutis, pray for us! 🙏🏼
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October 14 | Diaconate Ordination
On October, 14, 2023, eight men will be ordained permanent deacons to serve in parishes throughout the Diocese of St. Petersburg. Join Bishop Gregory Parkes and our diocesan family at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle at 11:00 a.m. for this joyous occasion.
October 22 | St. John Paul II
St. John Paul II spent much of his papacy working to unify the world. He was often working to improve relations between Catholics and those of other religions. One of his most notable contributions to the Church is his creation of World Youth Day as a way for young people to encounter God in a deeper way. St. John Paul II was canonized in 2014. Like St. John Paul II, may we seek out God wholeheartedly and bring Him to others. St. John Paul II, pray for us! 🙏🏼
#courageouslyliving #courageoussaints
World Mission Sunday 2023 – This year’s World Mission Sunday observance takes place on the weekend of October 21-22 For posters, bulletin announcements, and other promotional materials, please click here. To read this year’s World Mission Sunday message from Pope Francis, you may click on one of the following links: English Spanish
October 28 | Sts. Simon and Jude
Today we celebrate the feast of Saints Simon and Jude. Both Simon and Jude were devoted apostles of Jesus. They are often listed as a pair because they traveled to spread the Gospel together and were both martyred. St. Jude is the patron of the Diocese of St. Petersburg and the namesake of the Cathedral. St. Simon and St. Jude, pray for us! 🙏🏼
#courageouslyliving #courageoussaints
Evening Prayer with the Conferral of the St. Jude the Apostle Medals
Sunday, October 29, 2023, 3:00 p.m.
Every year, the St. Jude the Apostle Medal is presented by our bishop to a lay member from each of our parishes for distinguished and outstanding service. Whether it’s advocating for the life of the unborn, serving as an usher at Mass, or leading a parish ministry, these men and women share the love of Christ in many visible ways. Whatever humble offerings they provide, they exemplify gratefulness to God’s blessings in their service to His people. The prayer service will be livestreamed at, & To view the list of award recipients, visit Promotional photo can be found here. (Note: Photos of the award recipients will be on our Flickr Page by November 1, 2023.)
October 31 | Halloween
Did you know Halloween actually originated as a Catholic holiday? Halloween originally started as the beginning of the celebration for the saints! Remember to pray for the intercession of the saints today.
Other Content
Catholic Ministry Appeal
Click here to find materials that have been designed to assist parishes in promoting, educating and spreading the word about the 2023 Catholic Ministry Appeal. Throughout the year, more resources will be added, updated and shared with parishes.
Catholic Cemeteries
For graphics, promotional text and logos about the new Resurrection Catholic Cemetery, click here.
National Eucharistic Revival
Click here to find photos, graphics and logos to promote the National Eucharistic Revival, an initiative of the bishops of the United States to renew our devotion and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
Pastoral Bulletin
Click here to find announcements, graphics and information from our diocesan ministries and our parishes, schools and diocesan entities.