Rev. Robert Chabot, S.S.S.

We sadly report that Rev. Robert Chabot, SSS, 84, passed away on February 20, 2022 after a 7-month battle with cancer. He will be missed for his devotion to the Eucharist, his kindness and hospitality, his commitment to social justice and fair housing, and his warm and loving presence with everyone.
Father Chabot was born on August 1, 1937, to Alfred and Cecile (née Lalong) Chabot in Lewiston, ME. He was one of ten children. He entered the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, professing vows on September 8, 1960, in Barre, MA. He was ordained priest on May 28, 1966 in Manchester, NH. He held many positions over the years, reflecting his considerable gifts. From 1966-1967 he served at Saint Jean Baptiste Church, New York, NY. From 1967 – 1990, he ministered in the Philippines as vocational director, postulant and novice director, and pastoral minister at two parishes, one in Manila and the other in Davao City. Upon returning to the USA, he served from 1990 to 2003 as Parochial Vicar and then Pastor for 12 years of Saint Charles Borromeo Church, Albuquerque, NM. In 2003 – 2007, he pastored Saint Vincent de Paul Church, Holiday, FL. He retired as pastor and served for 10 years, 2007-2017 at Corpus Christi Church, Houston, TX as Senior Parochial Vicar. On December 12, 2017, he moved to Bethany Center and supported Saint Paschal Baylon Church, Highland Heights, OH. In 2020, he moved into retirement ministry at Regina Health Center, Richfield, OH.
Visitation and services will begin Wednesday, February 23, 2022, at 6:00 PM, Saint Paschal Baylon Church, Highland Heights, OH with the Order of Christian Funerals and the Vigil for the Deceased at 6:30 PM. Thursday, February 24, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM, he will be waked at Regina Health Center. The Funeral Mass will be Thursday at 11:00 AM. The 6:30 PM Vigil will be livestreamed on the YouTube Channel, which can be accessed at the home page of The Mass will be recorded and posted later. The Rite of Committal will be private.
A Memorial Mass at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church will take place at a later date, to be announced once details have been finalized.
Please contribute to his honor by supporting the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, 5384 Wilson Mills Road, Highland Heights, OH 44143.
Complete obituary at this link: .
May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed
by the mercy of God, rest in peace!