Reverend Terence K. Fleming

We were saddened to learn that Reverend Terence Kaner (“Terry”) Fleming, 79, a retired priest of the Diocese of Rochester and long-time resident in the Diocese of St. Petersburg, passed away unexpectedly at his home in Oldsmar on Wednesday, November 18, 2020.
Father Fleming was born on August 10, 1941, in Rochester, New York to John and Oliphine Mary (Kaner) Fleming. He completed his seminary studies at St. Bernard’s Seminary, in Rochester and was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Fulton Sheen on June 3, 1967.
Following his ordination, Father Fleming continued his studies, mostly during the summer months, specializing in counseling and theology. In 1987, he earned a Doctorate in Pastoral Counseling from the University of Rochester, specializing in family systems. While pursuing his studies, he also served in parishes and schools throughout his home diocese, along with serving as Chaplain of the Genesee Hospital, in Rochester.
In November 1992, Father Fleming came to the Diocese of St. Petersburg, where he made his home in Largo and worked as Director of Pastoral Care for hospitals within the BayCare Health System until 2006. During that same time, he provided assistance to St. Matthew Parish, Largo, where he touched many lives and developed close friendships. In 2006, he was selected as Vice-President of Mission for Roper St. Francis Healthcare, in Charleston, South Carolina.
After his retirement in April 2011, Father Fleming returned to Largo, where he resumed his ministry at St. Matthew Parish, and occasionally providing assistance to other parishes, as needed. He is remembered by many as a gifted preacher and a superb counselor.
All funeral arrangements will be held at St. Matthew Catholic Church, 9111 90th Avenue N., Largo.
The viewing will be Monday, November 30th from 4 pm to 7 pm, all are welcome with no reservation needed.
The Funeral Mass is Tuesday, December 1st at 11 am. Capacity for the funeral is limited due to COVID-19 and is by reservation only. Please call the parish office at (727) 393-1288 or email with your name, phone number, how long you knew Fr. Terry, and how many will be attending with you. You will be checked in at the door when you arrive for the funeral Mass, so please arrive a bit early to allow time to check-in and find a seat.
Burial will be held at a later date at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, in Rochester, New York.
Expressions of sympathy may be sent to the family of Father Fleming, in care of the Chancellor’s Office, Diocese of St. Petersburg, P.O. Box 40200, St. Petersburg, FL 33743-0200.
Please keep Father Fleming’s family members and loved ones in your kind thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
Well done, good and faithful servant […]
Come, share your master’s joy” (Matthew 25:21).