“Know Truth, Know Faith” A Series of Courageous Conversations – October 22 Recording

St. Joseph Catholic Church and St. Paul Catholic Church, both located in St. Petersburg, are entering into a process to courageously listen and dialogue on race. This will be an opportunity for participants to increase understanding and empathy for one another and to shed light on this important issue.
On October 22, 2020, local pastors, Monsignor Robert Gibbons of St. Paul, and Father Stephan Brown, SVD of St. Joseph had a conversation that was streamed on St. Joseph’s Facebook page and website.
Watch a recording of the October 22 conversation below.
The other Courageous Conversation dates will be announced later. Please join us as we “Know Truth, Know Faith” and Courageously Live the Gospel. All are welcome to share in the Conversations via the St. Joseph Facebook or the St. Joseph Parish website.
The Bishops of the United States’ Pastoral Letter issued in 2018, “Open wide our hearts“, is a source of guidance as we seek to open our hearts and minds to embrace an opportunity for listening and understanding one another as “Brothers and Sister to Us” (1979 Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Racism).
Learn more about how the Diocese of St. Petersburg is working to promote racial healing and justice at dosp.org/racialharmony.