Welcoming You to Mass

The Office of Communications has developed an initiative to welcome people back to Mass. Welcoming You invites each person to encounter the love and mercy of Jesus Christ. A priority for Courageously Living the Gospel is to welcome and accompany others like Jesus.
As Catholics, we are called to reach out to those not currently attending Sunday Mass and invite them back. This includes individuals and families who have been away for years and for various reasons. While our homebound population has increased during the pandemic, there are many healthy people who have not yet returned to Mass. These individuals and families need to hear a message of invitation and hope. They need a warm greeting at the door and a caring community attentive to their needs.
“During our trials and difficulties, we are never alone. God is always with us, especially as we encounter the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, where he offers us abundant graces to heal the wounds of sin, division and fear,” said Bishop Gregory Parkes in a video message introducing, Welcoming You.
This effort will be conducted at the diocesan level when the general dispensation is lifted and parishes are also invited to participate by incorporating similar messaging and materials that can be found at www.WelcomeOneAnother.org.
“I hope our parishes will always be welcoming communities of faith. By the grace of God, may all of us gather together at the table of the Lord, united in faith and charity,” said Bishop Parkes.
Bishop Parkes Introduces Welcoming You With Open Arms from Diocese of St. Petersburg on Vimeo.
Welcoming You is made possible by generous donors of the Annual Pastoral Appeal.