How awards & patches can be earned in our diocese

National & D.O.S.P. Catholic Religious Recognition awards must be administered by adults who are:

  1. Current D.O.S.P. Level 2 & Safe Environment trained individuals, and 
  2. Trained Consultants by the Catholic Scouting for Girls committee will hold training October 16th at 9:00 am-11:00 am at Nativity Catholic Church, 705. E. Brandon Blvd., Brandon. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
    Gretchen Tarrou
    Catholic Scouting for Girls

A current copy of your approved Level 2 & SET certificates must be sent to the Committee Chaplain for confirmation.  Updates need to be sent as time goes forward.

Consultant training is held in person, typically during the Sept/Oct time frame, each year. Training certifies the individual to directly administer all awards (Diocesan & National) for grades ​Kinder​ kindergarten through 12th grade​)​.

Booklets for National Religious Recognition awards may be purchased directly from the NCCGSCF store website.  Diocesan Religious Recognition award booklets are available directly from the Catholic Committee for Girl Scouts, D.O.S.P.  

Girls must complete the awards booklets and Consultants must submit the evaluation forms to the Committee Chaplain to receive the awards at the annual award ceremony.  To participate in the annual award ceremony for Religious Recognition awards, check for the deadlines and submission paperwork instructions.  

Catholic Program Patches, ​offered by the NCCGSCF,​ may be worked on individually with a troop leader or parent.  ​Requirements may be downloaded​ directly from the site; Patches may be purchased directly from the ​NCCGSCF store website​ .  No special training is required for administration of patch program.  Girls may receive the patches at ceremonies within their troop or group.

This ministry is supported through gifts to the Catholic Ministry Appeal.
This ministry is supported through gifts to the Catholic Ministry Appeal.