Youth Minister
5030 Mariner Blvd.
Spring Hill, FL 34606
Email: copalka@stfrances.org
Phone: (352)683-9666
Instagram: Instagram@stfrancescabriniyouth
The mission of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Youth and Family Ministry is to promote the faith growth of families by encouraging families to share, celebrate, and live their faith at home. We strive to empower teens to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in the world today, and to guide young people in their call to holiness by meeting Jesus Christ in the Scriptures, in the life and teachings of the Catholic church, and in their own prayer lives. Our calling is to promote a positive self-image in young people, including an appreciation of one’s ethnic culture, a sense of self –esteem, a sense of purpose, a positive view of one’s future, and a humble acceptance of one’s self as lovable and loved by God and others. We want to cultivate the gifts and talents of young people and their families by providing a variety of avenues through which teens, with their families, can personally encounter Jesus and grow in fellowship with one another by intergenerational activities, service opportunities and social events while at the same time incorporating them as active and equal members of the entire Body of Christ – a body which spans the generations.
A typical night might look like:
6:45 pm – Fellowship and Announcements
7:00 pm – Grace and Dinner
7:30 pm – Scripture/Catholic social teachings
8:00 pm – Discussion
8:20 pm- Game Time
8:55 pm- Closing Prayer and Dismissal