Bishop Parkes Announces Implementation Plan for Courageously Living the Gospel

As was announced at parishes on June 17, 2018, the new Mutually Shared Vision for the Diocese of St. Petersburg is Courageously Living the Gospel – an invitation for each of us to be bolder in how we live our faith.
Our new Vision defines our sacred purpose (also known as a Mission Statement), three priorities and nine goals that each of us can make our own in a unique way.
To assist with the implementation of this Vision, Bishop Parkes has announced that the Diocese of St. Petersburg is partnering with Catholic Leadership Institute (CLI) to provide guidance and training. CLI is a national, non-profit organization that has in-depth knowledge in best practices and spiritual development.
CLI will conduct training and provide support to leaders from our parishes, schools and Catholic Charities, as well as our deans and pastoral center staff. This guidance will assist our diocesan family with making our Vision a reality.
Parishes in particular will be guided on the process of developing an individual Parish Action Plan that is connected to the Vision. Also, 24 of our 74 parishes will receive access to the nationally known “Disciple Maker Index,” a survey that provides insight on the specific needs of a faith community. These 24 parishes will also receive more intensive support with the development of their parish action plans.
“Catholic Leadership Institute’s guidance will lead us to new paths of creativity, courage and cooperation to boldly and joyfully proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, while inviting all to a loving encounter with our Lord and with each other,” said Bishop Gregory Parkes.
He also added, “This is a unique opportunity in the history of our Diocese. This is our time and we are called for this purpose. I look forward to journeying together as we boldly advance the mission of Jesus Christ and Courageously Live the Gospel in the Diocese of St. Petersburg.”
To learn how various groups in our diocese will be involved with the implementation of our new Vision, click on a link below.
Additional Information: Many parishes in our diocese will be promoting Courageously Living the Gospel during Mass on Sunday, September 9th. This is a good opportunity to inform parishioners who were away when the Vision was first announced on June 17th.