Prior to hiring, all potential employees must pass an FDLE Level II Background Screening and complete Safe Environment Training
How to Complete the FDLE Level II Background Screening Process


Employee Log In

New Hires

Prior to hiring, all potential employees must pass an FDLE Level II Background Screening and complete Safe Environment Training
How to Complete the FDLE Level II Background Screening Process

Are they an Employee or Independent Contractor? Worker Classification Checklist

The following paperwork must be completed and on file for all employees. New forms must be completed for any changes.

Employment Application (01/17/2023)

New Employee/Information for Onboarding Last modified October 30, 2023 Status Change Request/Personnel Action Form Last modified January 30, 2023 Status Change Request/Personnel Action Form for Pastoral Center Employees Last modified January 30, 2023

Form  W-4
Completed to withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay.

I-9 Form
Completed and to be retained by employer for each individual hired for employment in the United States. For instructions on how to complete this form go here:

Pension Enrollment Form
Please send completed form to Retirement Services Manager at:

Affordable Care Act Notice (ACA):  As of 10-1-13, it is federally mandated that every new employee receives this form within 14 days of hire.  It is the entity’s responsibility to customize this template and provide it to anyone who fills out an I-9 and Form W-4.

ACA Notice for All Employees Mandatory as of 10-1-13

New employees must be provided with an Employee Handbook.
To download the Employee Handbook to customize for your office/entity/parish, click on the link below.

Employee Handbook Last modified March 1, 2018

The handbook includes the Acknowledgement Form.
Note that an employee must sign the Acknowledgement Form. That form should be saved in that employee’s file.

Status Change and Terminations

For changes of employment type, position change, pay rates, etc., please complete the Status Change Request form below:

Status Change Request/Personnel Action Form Last modified January 30, 2023 Status Change Request/Personnel Action Form for Pastoral Center Employees Last modified January 30, 2023


For employees who will no longer be employed at your entity (resignations, terminations, retirement or transfers), please complete the Employee Separation Form below:

Employee Separation Form Last modified January 1, 2024

Exit Interview

If employee has benefits, please complete the following forms:

Adding or Removing Self/Dependent(s) Outside of Open Enrollment Group Health Last modified February 16, 2023

Dosp Pension Application (p1)

Dosp Pension Application (p2)

EMPLOYEE TERMINATIONS: Termination of employees must first be reviewed and discussed with the Executive Director of Human Resources or Diocesan Counsel.

Termination of Entity Employees Procedure – Rev 02/2021

Terminating an Employee- Check List