“Sounds FUN!” Summer Camp Provides a Glimpse into Inner-workings of Radio Station

Diocesan radio station Spirit FM 90.5 hosted its very first, “Sounds FUN!” radio summer camp this summer. Three camp sessions were held for middle school students from our diocesan Catholic schools and local homeschool groups. Each session was two days long and offered students a glimpse of how a radio station operates.
During the camp, the budding broadcasters learned about the history of radio and how the music is chosen and scheduled. Students also wrote and produced their own 30 second on-air spots. Each camp session concluded with Mass in Spirit FM’s studios with campers serving as readers and altar servers.
Reflecting upon the camp, Abby Watts, Spirit FM Promotions Director said, “Radio is a unique medium. Even with all the other audio platforms available, there is still something special about radio that connects people. We loved giving the kids a chance to learn in a hands-on way and perhaps discover that they have a love for this industry.”
Click on the album below to see photos from the camp sessions.
About Spirt FM:
Spirit FM 90.5 is a radio ministry that is owned and operated by the Diocese of St. Petersburg. Programming includes contemporary Christian music, prayer, and conversation that inspires listenersto center their lives on Jesus Christ and Gospel values. The Spirit FM studios are located near downtown Tampa on the parish grounds of Christ the King Catholic Church and transmit at 90.5 FM with a powerful 100,000-watt signal. To learn more, visit: www.myspiritfm.com.