Cleansing the Soul

Posted inMaking Space for Grace

A very popular diet fad is intermittent fasting. But fasting for spiritual reasons is a practice that goes back centuries and is grounded in biblical truths. In fact, St. Augustine, who lived in the fifth century said, “Fasting cleanses the soul.”

During the Lenten Season, Fasting is one of three areas of concentration for Catholics who seek to repent for their sins and be renewed in Christ’s love. Have you decided what you will fast from this year?

Pope Francis invites all people, including families, to consider if we may be too reliant or even addicted to digital media. He said addiction to digital media impoverishes human relationships.

How many of our families are in need of healing, reconciliation and hope? How many relationships have been shattered and harmed by sin, frailty, division?

If digital media can impoverish human relationships, perhaps we can work harder to repair the damage. Pope Francis encourages us to cultivate ‘authentic encounters’ with one another — face-to-face and in person.

So – I am taking on this challenge Pope Francis! I am starting a digital fast this Lent. One day a week I will take a break from streaming, apps and social media. I will strive for more authentic encounters with other people and with God. I will strive to cleanse my soul.

-Teresa Peterson, Making Space for Grace