The New Evangelization encourages the Church to utilize “new methods and means” to provide ongoing formation for all the people of God.  Whole Community Formation certainly describes gathered, structured events that seek to catechize the whole community, across the generations, but technology and social networking provides non-gathered ways in which people from childhood through adulthood can receive ongoing formation that enriches their spiritual lives, both private and communal, as well as a means to accompany the faithful in their lifelong journey of faith. Faith and Media specialists at parishes, as well as individuals can access resources, audio, video and print through these ministries, organizations and publishing companies.

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, 6650 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, NC 28412-3004 has provided a succinct and clear definition of Whole Community Formation.

“WCC Gatherings embrace the vision of faith formation found in the General Directory for Catechesis. The parish is viewed as a learning community which requires a community or ‘whole church’ paradigm of faith formation. Through our WCC process we aim to:

  • Transform the focus on children-only by implementing lifelong faith formation for all ages and generations, including and especially adults.
  • Transform “start and stop” catechesis by implementing lifelong and continuous faith formation: learning for a lifetime through involvement in the events of Church life.
  • Transform age segregation by implementing intergenerational faith formation: making connections among the generations in learning programs and parish involvement.
  • Utilize the events of church life as the curriculum for all ages and generations: tapping into the educative and transformative power of the Liturgical Year, sacramental celebrations, community prayer, works of justice and service, and by providing catechesis that prepares everyone for learning by participating in the events of church life.
  • Transform catechesis that is viewed as a separate program by implementing a more collaborative and integrated process that involves all of the parish ministries in faith formation. Catechesis is interconnected with liturgy, sacraments, the Liturgical Year, justice and service, and prayer.”

Continuing Formation – explore how you can grow in your faith.

Freedom From Pornography

A Diocese of St. Petersburg initiative that provides information and resources that can help individuals including children and adults to protect themselves from the harm that pornography can cause to their sense of human dignity and respect.

Freedom from Pornography website

Lectionary and Curriculum Alignment Tool